Fisheries Science involves aquaculture, gears, navigation, oceanography, aquarium management, breeding, processing, export and import of seafood, special products and by-products, research and related activities. Fisheries / Aquaculture has been in limelight during the past three decades as the fastest growing food production system driven by technological developments and increased demand for fish. To harness the Science of Fisheries for Food, Nutrition and Livelihood, School of Marine Sciences, Alagappa University established the Department of Fisheries Science in 2018. The Department is in the process of upgrading its facilities and developing new laboratories.
To offer high quality PG and Research programs, presently department runs the choice based-credit system of M.Sc. Fisheries Science Program with intake capacity of 20. The syllabus provides knowledge to the students on Txonomy and biology of fish and shellfishes, Freshwater, coastal and marine fisheries management, Fish diseases and health resource management, Fish genetics and breeding technology, Ornamental fish farming and aquarium management, Fish processing technology, Fish hatchery and Farm design and construction etc.
Contact us
Dr. E. Kannapiran,
Professor and Head i/c,
Department of Fisheries Science,
Alagappa University,
Karaikudi – 630003
Tamilnadu, India E-mails Phone No : +91-4565-226007
Dr. E. Kannapiran
Professor and Head i/c
Objectives and goals
Objectives and goals
* To impart quality professional education in different aspects of Fisheries Science.
* To conduct organized research in frontier areas with the objective of developing cutting edge technologies in Fisheries Science and Management.
* To provide extension services like training, consultancy, project formulation to fish farmers, fisher folk, unemployed youth and entrepreneurs in Fisheries Science and Management.
* To facilitate comprehensive development of Fisheries Science for increased contribution to State economy and set benchmark standards through appropriate interventions in fisheries teaching, research and extension.
* To generate baseline data on aquatic biodiversity and fisheries resource potential and to create better opportunities for marketing and value addition of fish and fishery products in addition to that to set up an aquatic disease diagnosis and surveillance system in the our nation.
* To generate high quality professionals in Fisheries Sciences for Agricultural Council of India.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities
The increased demand for sea foods and the growth shown by the Fishing industry opens wider employment opportunities for the qualified candidates in the Fishery Sciences. The export of Freshwater and Marine products and the utilization of related products in the domestic markets have given tremendous boost to the employment opportunities in this field. The competition across the sector has increased drastically and it offers a higher pay pack for the professionals in the sector. Career opportunities are available in government and private organizations, fisheries, consulting, business, environmental law, etc.
* State Government Fisheries Departments recruits graduates for posts of Assistant Fisheries Development Officer / Fisheries Extension Officer /District Fisheries Development Officer
* Central Government jobs are in MPEDA, Fisheries Survey of India (FSI ), NIO, WHO, FAO, NACA, NABARD and EIA.
* Academic institutes recruits post graduates in Fisheries Science as Research Assistants and Assistant Professors
* ASRB conducts an all India ARS exam for recruitment of scientists in various agricultural and fisheries institutions under the ICAR
* In banks, fisheries graduates are appointed as a field-officer, managers in agriculture loan section
* One can start an enterprise like feed manufacturing, ornamental fish culture, aquaculture, hatchery/seed production, commercial pearl production, fish processing, net-making fish clinics. Financial support can be obtained through NABARD/ nationalized banks.
* In the private sector, one can work as officers in seafood processing/export units, aquafeed plants, fishing gear industries, pharmaceutical companies. Skilled manpower is needed in design/ construction/ management of fish farms.
* Participate in deep sea exploration or apply for overseas jobs in the aquaculture and processing sectors in gulf and African countries